Traditional Check Out

When moving out, students have the option of traditional checkout versus express checkout. With traditional checkout, the resident will make an appointment with their RA to come walk through the room. Please note that the RA's inspection is not final until professional staff and maintenance determine what work needs to be done to bring the room up to grade. As such, the RA's inspection could be well used in an advisory capacity. Good to have advance warning of any problems that need to be fixed.

The RA will also collect the key and cards that need to be returned. Residents should also fill out their agreements on responsibilities for any damages. This form is part of both traditional and express check out. Without this agreement in advance, all residents will be held equally responsible for any damages. (Charges divided in equal parts.)

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Express Check Out

Express Check Out Envelope

When getting an express check out envelope, be sure that Name, Time, Date, Room, and Signature are filled out.

Key Code is filled out when checking what was handed in (from the bedroom key).

Your task is to

  1. Ask for the pink form of agreement for resposibility of damages. Without that, each resident will be held equally responsible for any damages.

  2. Put your initials, date and time in the top right corner.

  3. Circle what is missing from the list.
    • Key Card $5
    • Laundry Card $5
    • Illini Tower ID $15
    • Mailbox Key $30
    • Bedroom Key $30
    • Garage Key Fob $50

  4. Write the total from this list and whether it is "owed" or "paid cash" at the bottom right of the list.

  5. If there is cash included, let the resident seal the envelope and put it in the rent drop box outside the office door.

Mail Forwarding

This is important! Otherwise your mail will get lost.

Be sure you have a US address where you can send your mail. They will not forward it overseas for free.

Go to and select Change of Address at the bottom of the Quick Tools list.

Conditions Agreement

On the next screen, agree to conditions:

Continue Arrow

When you fill in the next couple of forms, you may have to scroll down to see the button to click:

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