StarRez Incident Reports

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student village

Writing an Incident Report

    Outline of an incident report
  1. Time, date, place
  2. Person(s) involved
  3. Reason for confronting this incident or this room
  4. Policy or procedure in violation
  5. Explanation of incident
  6. Result of contact

All incident reports are to be submitted via email to the RD, AGM, GM, and the RA for the floor involved, and a printed copy placed in the RD/AGM's box no later than 8:00am that morning.

In StarRez, at the lower left choose the menu for Incidents. Then you will see a button for New Incident in the column at the left.

StarRez Incident Manager
page 37

The new incident report is blank except for today's date and the incident status. New incidents always have status open until they are reviewed.

StarRez New Incident Report

Filling in the main page of the incident report (from the top).

Click on the binoculars at the right, select IlliniTower, then OK.
Incident Status:
Always just leave this as open.
Incident Date:
The default value is today. This report should generally be written on the same day. But mark this to be the day of the actual incident.
All incident title start with INC, a brief description of what happened, and the location.
INC—fire alarm—Apt202
Enter a full description of the incident. Keep in mind the ideas listed at the beginning of this chapter.
Incident Manager
You do not need to assign a manager. This is the manager who will review the incident report and judge what follow up may be needed.
Action Required:
You also do not need to do this part.
The left box should say IlliniTower. The right box should give what room or common area.

Now we will work on the key entries in the left hand column.

Click on Participants. Then click on New in the menu bar at the top.
  • Involvement: Select the manner of involvement of this person.
  • Identity Known: This allows you to select any of the residents who are already in our database.
  • Identity Unknown: This allows you to enter information about anyone not already in our database.
The violation type must be selected to place this item on our report of incidents for review. After clicking on Violations, click on New at the top. Choose the Violation Type carefully from the list, and do not change the default entry for Severity.

Custom Fields—Incident Detail:
This is a custom field for CLV properties. It is required. Only select from the drop down lists and do not type in your original entries.
  • Cause: This is the reason this incident required a report.
  • Parties Involved: This is the main person or group involved in the incident.
Actions, Correspondence Items, Attachments:
These items are not your responsibility, but they are there for documenting follow up on this incident.

Don't forget Save and Close. You don't want to lose all your work.

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